About Us
Meet the creators
Brett has been a woodworking hobbyist for over 20 years. He specializes in repurposing throw away, unwanted wood items into creative items with an aged distressed look. Brett recently combined a new love of whiskey with his passion for repurposing wood pieces — hence the Whiskey Well was born.
Chris is the apprentice of the team but what he lacks in craftsman abilities, he makes up for with his creativity, research, and his truck. When he is not assisting building projects, he is working on the website, monitoring emails, and looking for more projects to add to Brett’s plate.
Quality Comes First!
We check every detail while creating even the smallest product. Our focus is to deliver a quality hand-crafted product every time. Given the nature of the spent materials we work with, each project is uniquely measured and fitted to ensure proper construction. On average most projects take a minimum of 20 hours of work to complete.